
Friday, February 24, 2012


Pasta/chicken/veg stirfry 9 pts
Salad 3 pts.

I had a busy day at work which helps to curb my compulsion to eat. It was also a frustrating day but I did not eat over it. I went grocery shopping after work. I only bought " good" food I will have to stop at another store tomarrow because there were no strawberries.I have to have my berries. I had planned to go to the Y this evening to swim but I am whipped. I have been paying my membership and haven't been since Aug.(sad and wasteful). I really enjoy swimming and I used to swim every morning. But I now go to work at 7 instead of 9 and although I get up at 3:30 I love my morning time. I plan too work on a plan that works and do the best I can until April 1st.

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